
Welcome to InvestingPal powered by QuantX

Deconstruct market data and establish data-driven algorithmic trading strategies.

About QuantX

QuantX was founded in 2021 by a dedicated team of developers specializing in quantitative trading. Their primary mission is to harness advanced data analysis and machine learning algorithms to deconstruct complex market data. By integrating state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technologies, including large language models (LLMs), QuantX develops sophisticated trading bots that are fully data-driven. This innovative approach has enabled QuantX to consistently achieve an ROI that significantly outperforms Taiwan’s stock index 0050, while maintaining a lower maximum drawdown

Advanced Analytics

Advanced Analytics

Utilize cutting-edge analytics to make decisions

Real-Time Data

Real-Time Data

Access real-time market data to stay ahead

User-Friendly Tools

User-Friendly Tools

Easy-to-use tools that empower your trading